How to Turn a Goal into a Reality

Wednesday // April 13 // 2016


This post was originally created for the Contiki six-two- blog

When we have a big dream or goal that we want to achieve, it can feel a bit overwhelming. This is mainly because we look at where we are now and where we want to be, and fear ensues. We ask ourselves how we will get to that place and stop our dreams in their tracks before we even take the first step.

Achieving a goal or dream is all about following a few simple steps to gain clarity, set yourself up to succeed and have a positive mindset throughout the journey.

1. Get Clear on Your Vision

The best first step to pursuing something you want to achieve is to get crystal clear on what you want. The biggest part with this is that it’s something that you’re completely passionate about achieving. Sometimes we can get so caught up on what we should do, or what we think others would like us to do, that we set ourselves up for failure because we’re not fully invested. The best way to achieve a big goal is to set it on our own terms. It helps to write out your vision while thinking about the following questions:

What would excite me?

What does it look like?

What does it feel like to have achieved this?

Who is there? (Is it just me or are other people around? Do I know them or have we just met?)

2. Set a Time Frame

Whether your goal is to travel, start a business, write a book or try something new, have a rough time frame for when you want it to happen by. Life is unplanned and it will take different turns, but having a rough guideline of when you need to achieve something by is one of the best ways to help you reach it. 

There’s something about declaring when your dream or goal needs to happen by that puts it into motion much faster than saying something such as, “This year I am going to write a book.” When do you want your first 100 pages to be completed by? Set a time frame and hold yourself accountable.

It helps to tell people around you about your goal, as well as when you are going to achieve it by. It can also help to include someone else in your goal. For example, if your dream is to travel this year, chat with a friend who wants to travel as well and set a time frame together of when you will jet off. If you’ve committed to your friend that you’re leaving by a certain date, you will likely follow-through with the things that you need to do in order to make it happen.

Lastly, another benefit of having a time frame is that goals like pressure. If you tell yourself that you have all the time in the world to achieve them, you’ll never do them. Set a time frame and stick to it the best you can. 

3. Find out What You’re Afraid of

We’re capable of achieving greatness, but often what keeps us from going for our goals is fear. Beliefs that we carry around, whether we’re aware of them or not, have an effect on us and so it’s important to get clear about what our fearful thoughts are.

Why am I afraid to do this?

If I was to achieve this how would this make my life different? (sometimes achieving greatness is a fear because our life may go in a new direction).

What is the worst case scenario? Can I accept this? 

Just acknowledging your fears can help you to overcome them and lessen the power they have on you going for your dreams. Fear is inevitable, especially when we’re going for something that we’re extremely passionate about and hoping for a certain outcome. Once you call-out that fear may be there for the ride, but that you can accept that, it will make going for your goals much easier.

4. Grab a Mentor

When we’re trying to reach a goal that we’re extremely passionate about, it can feel as though we’re the only one going through it. In reality, there are so many people before us that have done what we want to do, or at least something similar. Reach out to those who have gone before you and ask them how they got there. Set up Skype calls, coffee meetings or Facebook messages. People are more willing to be transparent with you and help you to achieve your goals than you think.

If you can, meet with someone that you know or who is a friend of a friend just because it may be easier to get in contact with them. However, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people and generally if you ask someone to share their expertise, they will be willing to do it. The biggest part in all of this is to ask exactly what you want to in these meetings. Don’t be afraid to ask the big questions and be open, because now is your time to find out how you can make your goal happen.

5. Remember that Momentum Loves Momentum

If you’re unsure where to begin, just start. With anything. It doesn’t matter if things are perfect.  Make the phone call, send the email, write up what you want to achieve. When you’re taking action towards your dreams, that momentum will continue to create opportunities.

6. Enjoy the Ride

Remember to enjoy the journey and have fun. It can be easy to get caught up on where you want to be, from where you’re standing now. Celebrate the little wins and take it each day at a time.

You don’t need to make your entire world about your goal or dream to achieve it. You can get the best inspiration and creative ideas when you’re living in the moment and doing the things that you love. If you ever feel stuck or that your energy is getting tired and stressed out, don’t push it. Get out and do things that make you happy. You’ll come back rejuvenated and with new creative ideas. 

Lastly, keep a positive mentality. If fear starts to come up, refer to the fears that you wrote down and know that they are just a part of the journey. We’re human, we’re going to have fear and there will be some days where you might feel that your goal isn’t possible, but it is. The quicker you enjoy the moment now, the more ease you’ll have with getting to where you want to be in the future. 

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