I used to say yes to almost every opportunity that would come my way. I would over commit myself to the point of exhaustion and when it would come around to the time of the activity I would feel this deep sense of blehh. I didn’t want to go, my body didn’t go and my soul didn’t want to go.
Other times I would feel to say yes to something, then not be fully present in the situation. A big key for increasing and maintaining a strong, beautiful relationship with someone is to spend quality time with them; Time where every part of you has said ‘yes’ to it.
In romantic relationships we often think that there needs to be a big production, when in reality all we need to do to share our love with someone else is to just show up and be. By simply just being with the person, we can be present and create space for love to flow in easy and effortlessly. Sometimes in these romantic relationships, we get over eager with seeing the person, but before running to the phone to call them to hang out, check in with yourself and quietly ask if you really feel like showing up. The amount of time doesn’t matter, you can see the person three times a day or once a week just as long as in each encounter you show up to spend quality time with them. This goes for all types of relationships.
On the weekends especially, my ego comes in and tells me that I should constantly be around my loved ones. It tells me that I don’t get the opportunity to see them as much during the week. But If I don’t feel my best or feel more pulled to do something by myself, I honour that. This makes my time with my family, friends and loved ones more alive because I allow myself space to choose the situations that I want to be in so that I can fully show up to them with love. We are all just love and have this love in every moment, but it is when you fully show up that you’re able to let your love overflow onto the people that you’re with.