Lindsay is free. So free in fact, that just by looking at her, you feel free yourself.
Artist, singer, model, surfer, Lindsay Perry, is livin’ proof that if you go for the things that light up your soul, you can create a life filled with creativity, freedom and bliss.
Her authenticity and rad designs combined to create
I remember first stumbling across her site about a month after Don’t Tell Summer launched. She had just worked on the FOAM x Billabong collab and I sat in front of my computer with the biggest chills; scrolling through her blog and reading about the Euro trip, I felt inspired. Lit up. That free, fearless, feminine energy is what it’s all about.
Meet Lindsay…
Where are you in the world?
I’m currently in Carlsbad, CA. I’m on work travel for another couple of weeks, then hopefully back home to Florida!
How do you follow your bliss all year round?
Just by doing the things I love! Being creative full time.. Playing music & shows, graphic design, surfing, crafting, shopping … chocolate.. traveling.. So many good things in life!
If fear ever shows up in your life, how do you move passed it?
I sit down and think about what it is that I’m really afraid of. I deal with anxiety often so I’m constantly training myself to control unwanted brain patterns and move past them! I think everyone struggles with these things, so even more so, I don’t let them get in my way.

Why do you love what you do?
It’s the ultimate expression of freedom. If you never accept failure as an answer, you will always be able to do what you love/want.
What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken, and how did it feel to go for it?
Moving out of my parents’ house at 16. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I was willing to take the risk, against all odds and acceptance. Everyday I feel thankful that it worked out the way it did.
Tell us a time when something totally synchronistic happened…
Hmm, when I was 19, a friend of mine called me and said, “there’s a billabong poster of you at Ron Johns!” And I knew it couldn’t have been possible, but I drove 19 miles to see it..The girl in the light box looked just like me and from that day forward, I said to myself that I would be surfing and modeling for Billabong before I turned 25, I would be in Nylon, FOAM & on a billboard. I never did anything for Billabong to know who I was.. But some how, the team manager, Megan Villa, found my website and thought I’d be a good fit for the brand. I had just landed in California when I got the email and they asked me in for a meeting. I went in, sat down with them, and as I was leaving, another girl who worked there said that she had my portfolio on her desk for over a year. It was a pretty magical feeling and they all looked at each other and said, “well I guess it was meant to be!” A few days later, I signed my contract and went to Europe a week later! I’ve been stoked and thankful every day since!!

Out of all of your adventures, is there one in particular that stands out? One that was filled with raddness, changed you, or allowed you to grow?
That first trip to Europe with Billabong. It was just a nice feeling to know that hard work and dreams do pay off!
What advice could you give to someone who knows what they love to do, but hasn’t yet gone for it?
Be brave. Believe in yourself and do not take fear or failure into consideration. Even if you are dancing to the beat of your own drum.. Who cares! Do what you love and do YOU. Be happy, be true. You’ll always succeed.
Follow her adventures on Instagram x
Combining her love of art, music and surfing, Lindsay has made a life that represents the very creativity she exudes. From Satellite Beach, FL, this young and vibrant being continues to turn heads with everything she pours herself into. When she’s not surfing, writing, modeling or creating for Billabong Girls, Spy Optic, Nixon, Lost Surfboards, Taylor Guitars and Osiris Shoes, she’s usually building upon her biggest accomplishment to date, writing and recording her own original music with an album well under way. And to add to what is already an impressive resume, Lindsay has designed and launched a quite beautiful creative outlet to catalog her impressions of what life tosses her way.
joseph neves
So cool to see an NSB’er livin’ the dream!!
Jeff Ellison
Lindsay!!!! Miss the surprise sightings!
I’m really happy how life’s working out for you.
Keeping it positive, always.