You can tell when someone is comfortable in their own shoes by how comfortable you feel in yours while speaking with them.
Artist, surfer, and designer Taylr Kreutziger is effortlessly herself.
She’s the girl that you chat with and immediately dive into it, knowing she’s down to get as free and real as possible.
She lives life to the fullest by following her artistic passions, creating rad designs for The August Fox and blissing out on surf adventures.
Meet Taylr…
1. Where are you in the world?
I am a California Native. I was born and raised in Orange County, CA and currently reside here. It is, and will always be, home to me.
2. How do you follow your bliss all year round?
Following bliss year around means doing things you love every single day. I start every morning catching up on blogs and inspiration, followed by design or editing. Depending if I have a shoot or not that day, I will usually try to go surfing. Once home, I’ll make some dinner, answer emails, and sew orders for The August Fox. If the sun is up, I will take my pup for a hike. I end the day reading in bed. My days are always very different but fun and fulfilling.

3. When did the inspiration for The August Fox first come about?
About a year ago, this personal project was born in the wants of curating all that I loved into something that could be shared. I have always been interested in unique style and handmade goods and decided I wanted to do something within my creative niche. Being passionate in art and design, I have always wanted to pursue this industry with a fresh outlook and drive.
The August Fox is a collective. A brand for the wild heart and lovers of the sea, those who live for beauty and those who crave simplicity. This brand is something I think a little bit of everyone can identify with. Inspired by the celebration of the creative mind, passion for travel, the uniqueness of the simple life, and search for the cool finds, my dream for this brand became reality. There is something about handmade goods that I love so much, maybe it’s the time put into each product or maybe it is just the simplicity of love in which the hands are used for creating. I am very excited for what is next for The August Fox and the upcoming pieces that will be added to the collection.
4. If fear ever shows up in your life, how do you move passed it?
Knowing that everything will be okay is a big reality check that a lot of us struggle with. Of course it is human to fear the unknown, we all do it. It is so important to stay positive. If fear ever shows up in my life, I try to resolve them, but not dwell on them. Surfing always clears my mind and puts my worries into perspective.

5. Where is your favorite adventure spot?
My favorite adventure spot is somewhere I haven’t been before. I love exploring new places and seeing the world from a different perspective. I hope to travel and explore for the rest of my life. I love everything from the coast, to the woods, to the city. Every place is a new adventure and a new place to take photos, find inspiration, and to realize how beautiful this earth we live on really is. My usual surf spot in which I go to weekly is San Onofre, California. The waves and overall vibes are my favorite and it feels like home every time I am there.
6. Why do you love what you do?
I love what I do because it gives me happiness. I couldn’t imagine a day in which creating, exploring, or surfing was nonexistent in my life. My soul thrives on those experiences and they are my reason for loving life so greatly. People find happiness in a multitude of things and it is important to find your niche. Our lives are just a spec in time, and it is so important to me to live fully every day and to show love to the people in my life.

7. What advice could you give to someone who knows what they love to do, but haven’t yet gone for it?
Go for it. Regret is an awful thing; it is so important to just try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but there is always a way to do something you love every single day. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, and it is our choice to use them as we please. Before you pursue your passion, make sure you have stability and a safety net. There will be a time where compromises are necessary. They are going to happen; Success does not happen overnight. Stay patient. If you are not fully ready to commit, practice what you love more. Do it on the side, after work, on the weekends, just DO IT. You will not regret it.
Follow her journey on Instagram x
Artist, surfer, and designer, Taylr Kreutziger was born and raised from salt and sand. The ocean is her home and inspiration. With an eye for simplicity and collaboration, Taylr’s personal style is the foundation of the August_Fox aesthetic. From her study of Fine Arts, to her involvement in the surf community, Taylr is perpetually submerged in creativity. Her organic, sea-centric creative style, captured in a series of photographs, paintings, and illustrations displayed at gallery shows, paved the way for the creative adventure that is August_Fox. Inspired by the celebration of creativity, the human relationship with nature, and the simple life, Taylr’s fused all that she loves into a company. With her love for blogging and social media, Taylr can express her creativity and share her visual vibes with others… an outpour of inspiration and vision via the creative mind.