One word comes to mind when I think of Nathalie Kossek, raw.
The way that she expresses her truth on her blog, Davy, is rare. She shares how she experiences the world with such openness that there’s rebelliousness to it. You feel her truth and know that she’s sharing it all; putting it all on the table.
Davy is inspired by surf and Southern California. (Ahh, felt at home at first glance.)
She weaves her passions for the outdoors and style effortlessly, with playlists that will make you stop, listen and utter the words: This. Girl. Is. Legit.
Originally from the Mid West, Nati adventured to LA to pursue her passions and live life to the fullest.
Meet Nathalie Kossek…
Where are you in the world?
I currently reside in Los Angeles, CA – very close to Venice Beach.
How do you follow your bliss all year round?
Haha, I guess I have to really define what my bliss is, right? But to answer your question, I do try my best to make time for what is important to me. It’s incredibly vital to your happiness and to your health to make times and dates with/for yourself. I like to go to the gym to clear my head and I love surfing to do that as well. I always try to do something creative and fun over the weekends to keep things fresh and new. It always helps making relationships with creative friends a priority as well – like-minded people in your life are a must!
When did the inspiration for DAVY first come about?
I saw a real lack of surfing and lifestyle blogs out there. I really loved writing and I was starting to surf when I first started DAVY. I wanted to create an outlet for people (women specifically) that were in the same boat as me. It’s definitely evolved over the past four years and my ultimate goal is to have it be a one stop destination for that kick-ass girl who loves to surf, look good and make her life the beset it can be.

If fear ever shows up in your life, how do you move passed it?
Fear is essential in your life because it shows that what you are aiming for is of some worth. So, fear is absolutely necessary and I don’t think that people need to avoid it – fear pushes you. I move past it by using it as a motivator not a paralyzer.
Where is your favourite adventure spot?
Honestly, I’m such a simple person. I haven’t traveled too much for surfing but I really love San Onofre and just SD county in general. County Line is great on certain days and I love Pismo Beach as well. Also, sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the water and head into the desert to a dreamy place like Joshua Tree.
What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken, and how did it feel to go for it?
My entire move to California was something everyone back home in the Midwest doubted. I had people telling me I couldn’t make it, that it was a terrible decision, etc. But I don’t regret it, four years later, because it was the first time I really did something solely for myself.
Tell us a time when something totally synchronistic happened…
Man, this one is a toughie too. I don’t believe in coincidence; everything happens for a reason. A lot of my life’s “successes” have happened because I worked hard and was patient in the dull moments. I don’t believe in forcing anything to happen… I’ve learned it causes unneeded stress and usually gives you LESS control rather than more. My internship at SURFER magazine as a total kook from Ohio? Happened because I called the receptionist and insisted I talk to a certain person. My move to California? Happened because I saved money and made the leap. My jobs at really awesome sports companies? Happened because I worked on a portfolio, went to the opportunities, and cultivated personal relationships that were relevant to the industries. The only thing that completely blindsided me was my modeling contract. I was at a coffee shop in sweaty scrubs and a dumb, messy bun plopped on the top of my head when someone approached me about it. All I can say is be authentic in what you do. Don’t lie about your successes and be intentional in everything you do. Good things come to those who do that.

What advice could you give to someone who knows what they love to do, but haven’t gone for it?
Kind of the same as above. Cliche advice is cliche and recycled for a reason… because it’s true. Advice like “just start”, “do what you love”, etc? Yeah… it actually works. The biggest thing I think a lot of (young) people are lacking is discipline… myself included. I’m in this weird age group where I grew up with the internet, email and instant gratification… and I’m still in my 20’s. My point is that a lot of people think that good things will come to them without them doing anything; with them just sending “good vibes” into the Universe. It just doesn’t work that way.
You need to toil away at the things that you’re passionate about or else you’re going to end up at a job/life/with a spouse you dislike. I always tell people to live their life as if they already had their dream life. I’m not saying quit your job and spend all your money. I’m saying do the work, make the plan, schedule the dates. You imagine surfing every morning, meeting with a potential client, and then painting for your upcoming gallery show? …Well? Do it! What’s stopping you from at least making smart steps towards the bigger goal? As Hunter S. Thompson said, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.”
Follow her adventures on Instagram x
Diana | Sparked Co
I love this bit …
…fear pushes you. I move past it by using it as a motivator not a paralyzer.
Big yes to that! xx
Completely Diana! I love as well! x