A DTS Community Story written by Kaitlyn Gooch… Continue Reading…
Unlocking Decisions
If you have an inkling to say yes to something, do it. I’m someone that has always made lists of positives and negatives, talked to every friend and family member, and replayed different scenarios in my head before making a decision. But at the end of the day, if I was even considering saying yes to something, I would do it. So why make it so hard on myself? It’s so much easier to say yes and then either stop or switch gears then to say no and have a sense that you didn’t go for it.
There will be times in your life where you will have many different options – places to live, study, travel, relationships, career paths… Sometimes we put more options down than need to be there. These options seem like a good idea (hey, it’s better to have a choice in a situation than to not!) we put those options in “just to have the option” or just to play out that scenario in our heads so that we feel safe.
When selecting where to move to after I graduated, I listed out about ten different places. Let me tell you, I threw in some randoms. Ones that I couldn’t care less about at the end of the day. Why did I do that? To make my decision not seem so black and white, not so just California or Sydney, not so safe or risky.
When listing down those choices, nix the ones that are there just to be there. Nix the ones that you are indifferent to. You wouldn’t want to choose something that you feel just indifferent to, so why even bring it into the picture? Keep the ones that excite you, and keep the one that scares you. The one that excites you and the one that scares you could quite possibly be the same choice. The one that scares you is probably the one that you will grow from, while also seeming like it could be a risk.
It’s ok if you don’t have a roadmap or a set of guidelines to follow from those before you. It gives you freedom to carve out the path for yourself and pave it for those to come. Go with your gut, listen to your heart, and just go for it! xx
Self-Love: How to Show up For Yourself
Think of your best friend… what feelings come up for you when you think about him or her? When I think of mine, I feel it in my heart. I instantly feel at ease and I am filled with warmth and love.
Now think of yourself… do those same feelings arise as they did when you thought of your friend?
When that feeling of unconditional love for yourself doesn’t instantly come up it means that it’s time to shift some beliefs and be conscious of how you think about and treat-a-bout yourself.
Let’s go through some tips on how we can totally love and accept ourselves.
Feel your Feelings. A close friend once told me “feelings wants to be felt.” It was such a simple thing but made a massive impact on how I react to my own feelings. It’s so easy to brush your feelings aside and look for a quick fix. I used to think that if I could tell myself enough positive affirmations then my unwanted feelings would instantly go away. When a feeling comes up that’s joyful or not so joyful, feel it. You don’t need to sit in the uncomfortableness for hours, just enough to let it know that you have acknowledged it.
Once you acknowledge it, it will then have the chance to pass through you. Allowing your feelings to come forward helps you to accept and love you for everything that you are going through and let’s yourself know ‘hey it’s ok that I’m not feeling totally rad today, there’s nothing wrong with that and I don’t need to hide it from myself.’
Forgive yourself. Remember that you’re human and that it’s ok to make mistakes.
If your best friend came to you and told you that she messed up, you’d let her off the hook in two seconds and already have Sex and the City streaming. So let’s try and do this with ourselves.
If I find myself wishing that I would have done or said something differently, I bring myself back into the present and say ‘you did the best that you could with the information that you had and I accept you.’ This is an important one when communicating with others. When you communicate from a place of love and authenticity and the outcome doesn’t come out exactly the way you wanted, really let yourself off the hook and love the fact that you spoke your truth.
Be an ally. Be there for you. When you reach a goal, master a new skill or face a fear, praise yourself! Let yourself know how rad you are. When you have a tough day, be there for yourself and most importantly, speak positively to yourself! Speak to yourself the same way you would to someone that you love.
Presence. If you’re new to self-love it’s important to understand that this is something that takes time. Your thoughts and decisions about how you treat yourself will come up in different situations and it is up to you to choose a loving response on a moment-to-moment basis.
Being present will help assist you in easily choosing a loving response and letting yourself know that you are accepted, loved and complete in that moment.
Say no. When things don’t sit well with you, let yourself off the hook. It’s ok to say no, you don’t need to push yourself. Releasing others’ expectations will give you permission to do the things that will fuel your soul.
Say yes to yourself. I love chia seeds and green juice just as much as the next Bondi blogger but when I want ice cream, I get it. If there’s something that you love and want to have, why punish yourself for it?
Don’t Scare yourself – This is a big one that I learned from Louise Hay. We sometimes tell ourselves the worst possible scenario could happen and think of all the little things that could go wrong. You wouldn’t turn to your best friend and tell them all of the things that could go wrong in their life, so why would you turn in and tell such things to yourself?
When you watch your thoughts and notice that you are starting to think about worst case scenarios shine some light on it and acknowledge that what you’re thinking is actually ridiculous! When you tune into your thoughts and you realise that you’re scaring yourself it almost seems funny that you would even think to put yourself through that.
Don’t Wait. Don’t wait until you get the job, the relationship, the summer tan… don’t wait to love yourself when you’re at a high point. You will build a closer, more nurturing relationship with yourself if you learn to love you in every scenario.
DTS Community Story: Kate McGuire
A DTS Community Story written by Kate McGuire… Continue Reading…
Show Up and Shine Your Light

One key thing to remember on your journey to ‘following your bliss all year round,’ is to clear out the fears and the cant’s. To our conscious minds this seems beyond unnatural. We’ve been carrying around these fears for the majority of our lives and the truth is, a lot of our fears are showing up in order to teach us that deep down we know the opposite to be true. If you tell yourself “I can’t do that” some part of you is conjuring up that fear because a part of you knows that not only can you do it, but you will flourish.
Before deciding to move to Australia, I was filled with fears, what ifs and cant’s… “I’m afraid to move away from my family and friends,” “What if I don’t find a job that I love?” and “How will I be able to do this on my own?”
In the midst of my fears surfacing, I felt the power within me rise. That power told me to look at my fears and realise that the truth was actually the complete opposite of what my fears projected. That fear of moving away from home was actually the part of me that knew that this was a journey and a catalyst for my personal growth. My fear of not finding a job that I love was actually my inner truth telling me that if I found my place in Australia I would never want to leave.
Our fears come up so that the legend inside of us can acknowledge it and trump it. The quicker you allow these fears to come up, the faster you will be able to show up for your life adventure and shine your light. I encourage you to take a deeper look at the fears that come up for you when making decisions, big and small. When light is shined onto your fear, it will give you a chance to recognise that the fear isn’t actually a fear at all, but an opportunity for growth. Start kicking those fears and you will feel more inner strength than you could have ever imagined to be within you. That strength has always been there, so let’s shine some light on it!