When I was 15, I was a competitive cheerleader living in Oregon. I had never been so in love with something, aside from my friends and family. There was something freeing about it that made me feel completely aligned with who I am.
I had a coach that pushed me and made me believe that anything is possible for me as an athlete, even though I lived in Oregon where cheerleading wasn’t as big as it was in other areas at that time. I spent hours on end watching Youtube videos of teams in Texas, feeling the inspiration and chills come over me every time. Looking back, not once did I have feelings of limitation or thought, “I wish I was there right now,” because I was happy doing what I was doing in Oregon.
Fast forward two months and one massive manifestation later, I found myself flying on a plane from Oregon to Texas for practice. I was cheering for the very team that I watched on Youtube. I spent 6 hours in travel each way and it didn’t phase me once; I was on an adventure that my mind couldn’t wrap its head around and it didn’t need to… if it did I wouldn’t have been on it.
The summer before it all happened, my coach from Oregon suggested that I go to a camp in Texas to train. I went to the camp and stayed in contact with a lot of the athletes from it. One day I was chatting with a guy from the camp who was on a team in Texas. He started talking about a dream-team that was being put together and my heart pounded at a million miles a minute as I pictured myself there with them. I was so excited about it and jokingly said, “Oh I wish I could be on it!” The next thing he said was, “Well actually, we need a replacement for one of our flyers (girl that gets thrown in the air).” Semi-jokingly, I said, “Well ask your coaches if I could fill in.”
… Wait a second, where did that come from? I’m from Oregon… The team is in Texas. HOW would that work… physically, with the time difference, how would I get there in time? How would I afford to pay for the flights?
I didn’t know and I didn’t care. It was so crazy I didn’t even let my mind chime in. I felt it in my heart; the decision was already made.
I ran and told my mom my heart-filled dream of flying to Texas to be on a cheerleading team there. We laughed about it a little, and laughter turned into what ifs, and what ifs turned into my mom saying, “Well I do have miles from all of those years from work that we didn’t use…”
Next thing I know I started practicing. I went to school in Oregon each week and lived in Texas on the weekends. Each flight was like an internal-dialogue of “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
This act of living out my dream, despite what my circumstances looked like, made an internal shift on an energetic level. I not only learned “anything is possible”, my cells learned that this was the way that I feel at home.
Reasons why this dream quickly became a reality: