When you believe that something is temporary, you can accept its differences. You can accept the place, person or situation exactly how they are and how they are showing up in your life. You don’t feel constricted because you know that soon, like most things, this too will change.
When you arrive in a new place, you aren’t trying to make it be exactly like you, because that’s the magic of it, it’s completely different and you accept that and appreciate the differences. It’s the same feeling as when you’re in the middle of summer, you become friends with those that you may have seen as different to you during the rest of the year. This is because you give yourself the permission to accept them for who they are and how they are showing up in your life, because it feels temporary. This is why the summer relationship may feel so blissfully intense; the walls are torn down and you enjoy the person for who they are because you aren’t trying to change them for the future. It’s easier to open up and fully show up for a situation when you know that later down the track you’re off the hook if things don’t work out. This flows out onto other experiences, for example a hostel roommate that you meet while traveling. They are totally different and unique, yet you embrace that about them. You embrace it with a different amount of acceptance than you may have if you showed up to your first day of college and met them, knowing that you would need to be roommates for the rest of the year. Continue Reading…