Happy Earth Day!

Thursday // April 23 // 2015

Happy Earth Day!

This earth is pretty rad and you and your dreams are what makes it such a cool place to be in (and the ocean). Wherever you are in the world, whatever dream is in your heart, the world needs you to show up for it. To show up for yourself. To show up for your excitement and passions.

A portion of every DontTellSummer hat purchase goes back to a young person with a big dream. We would love to hear about what your dream is. Learn more about Hats with a Purpose here.

Keep on kicking ass dreamers! x

(Image via Pinterest – if anyone knows who created this rad map painting we’d love to know and give credit!)

Winter playlist, Summer vibes

Monday // April 20 // 2015

You have the choice to create your own vibe


It’s winter in Sydney! Hello to cosy socks and Thai delivery (jk do this all year). Something that makes me feel warm, free and like it’s summer all year round is a summer vibes playlist. I started this list last year when I was craving to be in California in the warmth, and running around with my friends. Making this reminded me that you have the choice to create your own vibe.

Have any rad, warm-vibin’ songs you love to listen to? Share them with us! x




I’ll have what she’s making

Thursday // April 16 // 2015

You know when you’re scrolling through Instagram and you come across an image of something that is so unique, that you need to know the story behind it? That’s how I felt when I found these three brands. All unique in flavour, and designed by incredible young women who are going for their dreams.


Lost in Paradise Jean Jacket by Rachel Urquhart

Rachel Urquhart - raychponygold - jean jacket

I have a thing for denim. Denim on denim. Denim around denim. I don’t know what it is, but when I wear it, I feel me. I’ve recently become mesmerized by all things artist, writer and Volcom Ambassador, Rachel Urquhart, and this denim jacket is at the top of this list. Can you imagine all of the cool adventures you could wear this to?! Shell ya.

Continue Reading…

Behind the Design: The Aloha

Wednesday // April 15 // 2015

I grew up going to Maui with my family and there was always something about it that felt like a mixture between being at home and in a place that was made specifically for creative inspiration. Sitting at the Honokeana Cove last week while visiting Pom Pom and Papa (my grandparents!) reminded me that when I go to Maui, I feel at peace. The ease I get is from being in the moment, and feeling like all is good. The energy shifts when I land in Maui, and it’s the kind of energy you get when you feel so far away from your current situation, that you begin to open up your capacity to dream a little bigger and believe that anything is possible.

The Aloha represents the care-free lifestyle, community, and inspiration felt in Hawaii. When I look at The Aloha I am reminded that all is good, and that new, creative ideas can come at an instant’s notice. When you wear your hat, I hope that you feel the peace, creativity and love that has been instilled in it x.

Shop The Aloha x

Rad Livin’: Meet Kate Lewis

Monday // April 6 // 2015


Designer and Artist Kate Lewis is the creative gal behind the Southern California surfboard bag brand Aye Papi. Each board is hand painted, creating a unique personality for each. Kate is all about individuality and being your unique self, and so when creating her bags, she ensures that no bag is ever the same.

One of my favourite parts about her site (aside from the rad board bags) is her blog. She shares the inspirations for her hand-painted gems, giving us an inside look into her creative process. She also showcases her daily life with a twist, illustrations over her photographs to show us how she sees life. She explains it perfectly in her post by saying, “Do you ever look at a photograph and think to yourself ‘there’s just something missing’? I like to think there’s a film drawn over my eyes that allows me to walk around and see life overlaid with illustrations.”

Individuality and good vibes is what this gal is all about and I can’t wait to introduce you to her! Continue Reading…