Why You Need to Take Risks Now

Thursday // August 6 // 2015


I often get asked:

“How do you take the risks that you do?”

“How were you at peace with moving to a new country without knowing where to live or a place to work?”

“How do you take risks, especially when your heart is involved?” 

Moving to a new country, being courageous for love, taking a risk to start a blog and then a hat brand… the truth is I’ve been taking a lot of risks over the last few years and I’ve been able to do so because I’ve been doing this since I was 13. Whether I knew it or not, I was building up my risk-taking muscle that allows me to follow my heart. Of course there’s fear involved, especially when I’m super attached to the outcome, but I’m able to do it with at least some sort of excitement, knowing that I have my back and that I’m more than capable. Why I’m sharing this is because the perfect time to start to take risks, follow your heart and go for your dreams is now. It doesn’t matter how big or how small the risk or dreams may be, go for them now.

When I was 13 the risks were quite small. They were things like giving up soccer to pursue my love for cheerleading, or deciding to ask a boy to dance at a school mixer. While a little nerve-racking at the time, they were small risks with not a lot on the line. I continued to follow my heart and take risks, and the older I got and the more comfortable I was, the risks became larger and the outcomes became greater. My heart was more involved which made going for them even more exhilarating.

The older we get the more the risks seem to affect our lives; changing career paths, moving, telling the man or woman of our dreams how we feel. But if risk taking is something you’ve done before, the context seems to not matter as much and your heart takes over. It’s been here before, it all feels familiar and something in you says, “This has worked before, you can do this again.” The more you follow your heart, the more your body feels what it feels like to go for something that you would absolutely love to do.

The more you do this, the more you believe that it will all work out, while also learning that it’s ok to fail. Even if it doesn’t turn out how you originally planned, you know it’s because something better is on its way.

Your dreams will continue to change and what you’re taking a risk for will alter, but what can always be there is the confidence you’ve built within yourself and your ability to go for the things that mean the most to you in that moment.

So start now. Your future dreams will thank you.



Rad Livin’: Meet Michael Weybret

Tuesday // June 16 // 2015


Photographer/ Videographer Michael Weybret is passionate, creative and can tell a damn good story. Before the age of 25, he became a home owner and its name is John Muiracle, a camper van he travels around in to create memories, tell better stories and follow his creative passions. He’s the founder of Do Something Cool, with the mission to inspire you to do something that makes a better story. So get out there, get dirty, get adventurous, and get to know Michael Weybret.

Meet Michael…

Where are you in the world?

Ha! I am getting asked that question a lot. I am currently in a public library in Bear Valley, Ca (pop. 250). My grandpa built a little cabin out here sometime in the 60s and it has been the Weybret Family hideout ever since. If shit hits the fan you know where to find me.

michael - do something cool


How do you follow your bliss?

A while ago I decided that I wanted to grow up to be one of those salty old dudes that has a million crazy stories, the kind of guy I love listening to and learning from now. I find the natural way to live those stories is to trust that gut instinct we all have and follow where that leads. Recently, that instinct convinced me to sell almost all my stuff, leave LA (where I was living and working at the time) and move into a 1982 Toyota Chinook. Living on the road is a great way to conjure up some stories for the nephews down the line.

When did the inspiration for Do Something Cool first come about?

Do Something Cool started as a great idea for a bad tattoo. I worked at a surf shop in San Diego, called Shaper Studios (shout out to the dudes!), and we had the brilliant idea of all going in on a tattoo machine for the break room. We were passing it around doodling on ourselves and when it got to me I didn’t know what to do, so somebody suggested I “just do something cool.” I still don’t think my parents know about the tattoo.

Michael Weybret - do something cool

What would your biggest dream for Do Something Cool be? 

What I love about Do Something Cool is that everybody has their own idea of what “cool” is and should be. I love hearing people’s ideas of what’s cool: their stories, their passions, what makes them laugh or cry, dreams and aspirations. The dream for me is traveling around and finding people who want to share these pieces of themselves with me, and getting to share them with the world.

If fear ever shows up in your life, how do you move passed it?

I wish I had more useful advice, but when you need to move past fear you just sort of… do. Ya know? Fear is everywhere in life. Without fear nobody gets to be brave. So if you are scared of something that means it is probably something worth doing. When you are on the other side you will have learned something, gotten smarter, stronger, and you hopefully picked up a cool scar to show off at parties.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Why do you love what you do? 

I know I love what I do because of how much I hate it. Haha, But seriously, I have worked all day and through the night on projects and videos more times than I care to count. It gets stressful, tiring, frustrating, discouraging, and everything in between. Most of the time I really wish I could just do something else. But I can’t. I absolutely love it, and there isn’t anything in the world I would rather be doing.

What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken, and how did it feel to go for it?

That has got to be moving into the camper. I had dreamed for a while about making a camper or a van into a mobile film studio, but it was just so out there. And weird, and dangerous, and uncertain. I had every reason in the world not to do it, but still this unshakable primal urge to make the leap. Sometime on the back 9 of 2014 some big changes in my life, personal and professional, created this perfect storm and it was a now or never moment. When I found the Chinook on craigslist everything happened all at once and fell right into place.

November 1st, 2014 was my first night in The John Muiracle. It was scary, but now I am very proud to say that I was able to buy my dream house before the age of 25. So suck it, norms of society. I’m a homeowner.

Michael Weybret - do something cool

Tell us a time when something totally synchronistic happened?

I think that last story is a great example. So the fact that this was the next question is pretty synchronistic.

All the events leading up that big decision were a little crazy. I’ll give you the main points. I was living with my girlfriend at the time in Venice Beach, Ca and working in film production. One day, out of the blue my boss/mentor I migrated to LA to work for up and moved to Texas. Not long after that my relationship ended, and we decided she would keep the apartment so I had about a month to find a new place to live. At first it felt as if the world was falling apart around me all at once, but it soon became clear that this was a really amazing opportunity to make something happen in my life.

What advice could you give to someone who knows what they love to do, but haven’t gone for it?

At my film school (SDSU, Go Aztecs!) they always told us a story about an alum that tried and tried to make it in LA in as a writer by doing everything by the book. The guy moved to Hollywood and got a job waiting tables and worked his butt off writing in his free time hoping that somehow somebody somewhere would notice him. He ended up basically giving up and moving back in with his parents and eventually starting a twitter about his crazy father and called it “Shit My Dad Says.” That turned into a book deal, then a TV show, and now he is one of the young hotshots writers of the TV world.

So my advice is to find something you love, get really damn good at it, and do it in a way that nobody else in the world but you could. Take risks. Be wild. Be weird. Learn from your mistakes when you fall, be humble when you succeed, but enjoy each step of the journey all the same.

Most importantly though, take the time to learn the rules. It will come in handy when it comes time to break a few of them.



Follow his journey over at Do Something Cool and on Instagram x


10 Reasons to go for your dreams now

Friday // June 12 // 2015

Tribe of Dreamers x DontTellSummer

 Tribe of dreamers

They met via one of the most synchronistic ways I’ve ever heard of! Jen went on a blind date in Silver Lake and while her date left the table, she chatted to the gal next to her, who was wearing a cute necklace (Annie!). The two realised that they both had a passion for travel and jewelry making and Tribe of Dreamers was created. They believe in using their freedom to take risks, do what they love and make a difference. Every time you wear a piece from their collections, they hope you’re reminded that your dreams can change the world. We love coming across brands who are making a difference and inspiring others to do the same!

We both believe that it’s important to do what you love, but not only that, to do what you love now. We’ve put together our top 10 reasons why you should go for your dreams now and we hope to inspire you to take more risks to follow your passions. You got this.

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Rad Livin’: Meet Ashlee Campbell

Thursday // June 11 // 2015


Ashlee Campbell is a go-getter, traveler and young entrepreneur ready to take on the world one swimsuit at a time.

If you’ve ever dreamed of designing your own suit, Ash’s rad Australian brand, Postcard Swimwear, can make that dream a reality. Postcard allows you to take your art work, photos, or digital designs and print them right onto custom made swimwear. They also collab with artists, including Cass Deller,  if you feel like having someone else’s art around you during your water-filled adventures.

Meet Ashlee…


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Rad Livin’: Meet Lucy and Nathan Hersey

Friday // June 5 // 2015

They’re dreamers, coffee makers and young entrepreneurs doing their thing as the traveling coffee company, Franklin Coffee. Franklin Coffee is a renovated 1964 caravan, where the duo serves coffee around Australia. They offer other goodies as well in their newest addition, Franklin Bar, perfect for weddings and events.

Their drive and passion for doing what they love is contagious, and proof that only you can make your dreams happen.

Meet Lucy and Nathan…

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