Something we’ve started to see, especially in the last five years, is that our generation has become more vocal about their mental health. Just as they would show up to go for a surf and say, ‘my knee is bothering me today’, they might say, ‘I’m feeling a bit anxious.’ We want to live in a world where that conversation is open, empowered, and received with authentic support.
We met Gabby, co-founder of Might & Mane, a few years ago at #RadLivin. Might & Mane is a non-profit that trains barbers in safe conversations and how to refer men onto existing help services. Barbers have long-time been a place for men to go to, and a space where they open up in conversation with their barber. Charlie and Gabby saw this as the perfect place for men to open up about their mental health through empowered conversations by giving barbers the right training. Might & Mane is changing the way we look at mental health and wants to see a world where there is no stigma around speaking up about how you’re feeling.
We filmed their journey of creating Might & Mane in partnership with ING Dreamstarter. Introducing Might & Mane…
Charlie & Gabby were looking for a crowdfunding platform to kickstart Might & Mane, and Gabby came across ING Dreamstarter at #RadLivin a few years back. ING Dreamstarter felt like the perfect fit because it helps non profits and social enterprises launch and grow. They set out to raise $10,000 and in 30 days they raised $30,000 through their campaign.
If you have an idea for social good or want to grow your social enterprise or non-profit, ING Dreamstarter is taking applications now! Learn more and apply here.