Following your heart with ease

Monday // March 24 // 2014

There are moments in life when we are faced with a big decision. These decisions feel like they are larger than life, because both choices will steer us into two completely different directions. Sometimes we think we know how one scenario will play out, and other times we feel like either way we go, we are jumping into the unknown. Sometimes one feels risky, while the other feels safe, but often the risky one feels like it is calling us. The risky one is tied to doing something that you would love to do, or tied to following your heart, but might be afraid to do.

When making these big decisions, it’s easy for us to pull out the lists that are filled with pros and cons. It’s easy for us to reach for our phone and call every friend and family member that will listen. Ultimately, It’s easy for us to make it completely harder on ourselves that it needs to be. I love discussing my dreams and plans with close family and friends, but I love doing this after I have already made up my decision. It’s easy to get caught up in our head about the benefits of doing one thing, or how the future will look like with the other. An easier, more enjoyable, approach is to literally just feel what it feels like to think about the two scenarios.

The first thing to ask yourself when fear comes in about a particular choice is: Even if I’m afraid… does it feel expansive? Nurturing? Exciting? Aligned?

Before moving to Australia, I considered staying in Newport and setting up home base. I loved the people around me and California finally felt like home. I felt safe there, loved there and happy there. Then I thought about Australia, something that brought up a lot of uncertainty for me, … when I thought about it I got a completely different feeling; the feeling was expansive. I could feel it in my stomach. I felt the energy around me growing, the more I would think about the possibility of moving there. In that moment, the feelings of expansiveness felt more aligned than the feelings of comfort. Fear was instantly replaced with excitement for the unknown because I allowed how I truly felt about Australia to come in by getting quiet enough to listen.

You never know what’s going to happen in life, but when you think about remaining in the same situation, you at least have a rough idea of what it could be like. Deciding to do something completely different can be filled with some fear. You’ve never done it before, so how would you know how it’s going to turn out?

Testing yourself on how you feel when you think about the new adventure is so important, because how you feel about it is your intuition telling you that it’s what you’re meant to be doing or not.

When testing out how you feel about a situation, it helps to be in the most neutral energy that you can. When we put pressure on ourselves to make a decision, for example saying, “Ok, now if I feel this way, then it means I will do this,” it blocks out the truth about a situation.

The more open you can be to what feelings show up, the better your connection to your intuition will be.


Do what you love to do now.

It’s easy to think ahead and ask yourself how doing what you love will fit into your story of where you will live, how you will make money, or even worse… fear that it won’t equate to anything and you’ll wish you went a different route.

But how fun does that sound?

How exciting and nurturing does that feel to bypass something that you love for something that seems to have a more concrete plan in the future?

When asking yourself these questions, it’s important to get clear on how you would prefer to feel. Would you rather feel safe or excited, would you rather feel comfortable or expansive?

When you choose to do something that you love in the present moment, doors open that you never knew existed. This is because you become more open to it when you go into the unknown. Often it’s easy to think that when you choose something that forces you to go into the unknown, there are no options… but by stepping into the unknown, you are walking into an unlimited supply of options. Anything is possible because there are no restrictions. There are no ways that it needs to look like. There’s just you, and what you love leading the way.

Jobs will be created.

Opportunities will arise.

Relationships will form.

They can be more aligned and abundant than anything that you can imagine.

Jumping into the unknown seems riskier in our head, but when we release our restrictions, the energy opens up for endless possibilities.

We were born to do what we love. We were born to live the life that we would love to have.

Would you choose something that you love, even without knowing how it will play out?

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