Think of your best friend… what feelings come up for you when you think about him or her? When I think of mine, I feel it in my heart. I instantly feel at ease and I am filled with warmth and love. Now think of yourself… do those same feelings arise as they did when… Read more »
Show Up and Shine Your Light
One key thing to remember on your journey to ‘following your bliss all year round,’ is to clear out the fears and the cant’s. To our conscious minds this seems beyond unnatural. We’ve been carrying around these fears for the majority of our lives and the truth is, a lot of our fears are showing… Read more »
Be Fearlessly Authentic

Do you ever find yourself telling someone else that you love a certain band, movie, or adventurous activity only to find the person saying “You like that? I would have never expected that!” That person placed you into a certain role and when you showed them that your true self was a little off from… Read more »