A Revisit: Let what lights you up do so

Monday // April 13 // 2020


I randomly came across a post that I wrote back in 2014 today. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m sharing it today in case it’s exactly what you need too. Remember you deserve your joy. Remember, you deserve your joy. It’s natural for good things, or things that you’ve wanted for a long time, to also be coupled with feelings of fear. You deserve to experience the joy of your dreams, and whatever the good thing is that comes into your life, deserves you too. 


‘Let What Lights You Up Do So’ 

We’re powerful creators when we’re passionate about what we want, but a big part of creating what you want is allowing yourself to accept it when it comes in.

Believe that what you are working towards will actually happen.

Often we put in the work, gather up the good energy, and when it happens we’re in shock. It’s as if we didn’t believe the power within ourselves, and so we can’t believe that this power created something that we would love to have in our lives. Putting in the work sometimes isn’t actually the hard part, it’s believing that it will happen, especially if it’s something that you’ve never had or done before.

Let what lights you up do so.

We all know what lights us up. Even if we aren’t conscious of what it is exactly, we can feel it. We get fueled and excited. I know that something lights me up when I’m completely present. I usually forget about my phone, I’m not thinking about what I will be doing after, and I’m just there immersed in that experience.

Sometimes when incredible things come in, we get scared. It’s exactly what we want, or better, and we freak out because we haven’t experienced it before or it feels unknown. Even further than that, we get scared that we will lose it.

Kick the fear by allowing what lights you up to do so.

Be stoked.

When it comes in, feel it all. You do this by completely embracing what you’re experiencing. Give yourself permission to be excited, joyful, and free to feel whatever it is that is lighting you up.

Remember that you deserve your joy.

When something that you’ve wanted, or didn’t even know that you’ve wanted, comes in it’s a great way to test your beliefs around that area of your life; it’s a great way to test your beliefs around deserving your joy.

Think of an experience where you have felt completely deserving. Have you worked hard towards something and when you received it there was joy, gratitude and no signs of fear around feeling like you deserved it? Putting energy towards something that you want happens in all areas of life, but how you receive the things that come in can differ based on your beliefs surrounding them.

If you’re going through the fear of receiving something that you would love to do or have, get into that energy of remembering something that you’ve really wanted and how you fearlessly allowed it into your life. That exchange of wanting something and allowing it to come in can spread to all areas of your life once you accept that you deserve your joy, not matter the situation.


Adventures in North Cornwall

Tuesday // August 20 // 2019

Driving into Kudhva gave me instant nostalgia of when I used to arrive at my favourite Summer camp. The fresh air, open terrain, and feeling of excitement of the unknown. Kudhva is a unique property of architectural hideouts, tree tents, and magical cabin located in Northern Cornwall, created by Louise Middleton.

After pulling up to the property, my friends and I sat down with Louise in the rustic, chic communal space, and asked about her journey of creating Kudhva. I love seeing someone have an idea, unlike anything that currently exists, and bring it to life with imagination and pure determination. I knew that Louise built something that was straight from her heart, and I was totally eager to explore.

Kudvha is one of the most expansive, magical places I’ve been to. It’s set in a 45 acre quarry that felt like went on forever, plus it overlooks the sea. Just a few hours outside of London, it makes for the perfect weekend getaway. 


Friends + Nature = a good time. 

Kudhva is Cornish for ‘hide out.’ Being out in nature with limited cell service made for the perfect spot to relax, get present, and enjoy quality time with good friends. We sipped wine, shared stories, and explored the property.  We stayed in Kudhva 4 our first night there, and it was unlike anything I had experienced before. The cosy touches and artisan magazines inside made it feel like home. 

Photos below by Abby Wright Photography


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Might & Mane’s Journey x ING Dreamstarter

Sunday // March 3 // 2019


Something we’ve started to see, especially in the last five years, is that our generation has become more vocal about their mental health. Just as they would show up to go for a surf and say, ‘my knee is bothering me today’, they might say, ‘I’m feeling a bit anxious.’ We want to live in a world where that conversation is open, empowered, and received with authentic support.

We met Gabby, co-founder of Might & Mane, a few years ago at #RadLivin. Might & Mane is a non-profit that trains barbers in safe conversations and how to refer men onto existing help services. Barbers have long-time been a place for men to go to, and a space where they open up in conversation with their barber.  Charlie and Gabby saw this as the perfect place for men to open up about their mental health through empowered conversations by giving barbers the right training. Might & Mane is changing the way we look at mental health and wants to see a world where there is no stigma around speaking up about how you’re feeling.

We filmed their journey of creating Might & Mane in partnership with ING Dreamstarter. Introducing Might & Mane…


Charlie & Gabby were looking for a crowdfunding platform to kickstart Might & Mane, and Gabby came across ING Dreamstarter at #RadLivin a few years back. ING Dreamstarter felt like the perfect fit because it helps non profits and social enterprises launch and grow. They set out to raise $10,000 and in 30 days they raised $30,000 through their campaign.

If you have an idea for social good or want to grow your social enterprise or non-profit, ING Dreamstarter is taking applications now! Learn more and apply here.

NORTH’S Journey Video x ING Dreamstarter

Friday // December 28 // 2018


One of the most important aspects of #RadLivin is inspiring the community to do what they would love to do now, rather than waiting for the future. We believe that if you have a dream in your heart that could bring joy to your life and help the world around you, it’s time to give it a go!

We were lucky enough to find ING Dreamstarter, a crowdfunding platform that helps social enterprises and non-profits get off the ground or grow even further.  We traveled to visit two of Dreamstarter’s alumni to learn more about their stories and encourage others to pursue their social-good dreams. The first spot was to visit NORTH in the Northern Territory.

‘NORTH exists as a vessel to celebrate, support and broaden the exposure of textile design by Indigenous artists living remotely on their country.”

Learn more about NORTH’s story and purpose in a video we created below, as told by Kieren and Crystal…. 



Have an idea for social good? Applications for ING Dreamstarter are opening next month. Click here to learn more.