If you’re wanting to get over your first love or a recent breakup, my heart goes out to you. That is tough, tough stuff. It’s one of those things in life that really reminds us that yes, in fact, we are human.
The hard (but doable!) part:
Know that you’re not alone.
Love and breakups are universal. When you get your heart broken, it can feel like this is such a personal thing. Have compassion for yourself for experiencing a hard aspect of being human.
Firstly, feel it.
If you’re sad? Feel sad.
If you’re angry? Feel angry.
If you’re confused? Feel confused.
Know that feelings are ever-changing.
It was once explained to me perfectly how to view feelings. Think of a movie: When you’re watching a movie, one minute you feel happy, the next you’re laughing, then you’re crying, then you’re happy again. Feelings come and go like waves; they change.
When you’re going through a breakup, it’s natural to think: “Will I always feel this way?”
You won’t!
You won’t even feel this way the whole time you’re going through the toughest part. Even if in your mind you were sad all day, there were probably moments where you saw your dog and your feelings went to love, or your friend sent you a funny video and it made you laugh.
Be conscious of your feelings and notice when they switch to feelings of joy, happiness, gratitude, clarity or excitement and relish in those moments.
Feelings will come and go, they are there to simply be felt.
Express what you’re going through to people you trust.
One of the hardest things to do is to go through a breakup and for the people around you to be unaware of it. You fake smile, fake enjoy yourself, when all you want to do is cry.
Use this breakup or letting go of the past as a chance to grow closer and have a more open relationship with your friends or family.
It helps to know that the people you’re with also know what you’re going through. Even if you’re out and about with them and not talking about the the relationship, just knowing that you aren’t hiding something that’s taking up a lot of your energy will give you a sense of ease. It will also allow you to groove into the present moment because it will help you to get out of your head and into what you’re currently doing or experiencing. PS – in the present moment is where joy can happen!
Talking to someone like a friend, coach or therapist can also give you a broader perspective of the relationship. Sometimes taking a step out of your own mind makes you realize why this breakup or letting go is so beneficial for you.
Express what you’re feeling to the other person (up to your discretion).
One of the ways that can keep us from moving on is not fully expressing our truth to the other person. Maybe we walked away from the relationship trying to be the cool girl or guy, rather than expressing how we really felt.
Let yourself off the hook for not saying the perfect thing to them during the breakup.
In the moment, especially if you didn’t know it was coming, chances are you acted out of fear or ego, trying to play it cool. What can keep us from moving on is knowing that we didn’t speak our truth. Not for the other person’s sake, but for our own.
Although it may be hard, express yourself to this person. Not in the sense of trying to win them back, but express whatever is true for you.
If you can, set up a time to express your truth to them after the breakup. If it’s been a long time and getting in touch doesn’t feel like the right thing to do, write them a letter in your journal. You don’t even need to send it to them, just getting out your truth may be all that was needed in order for you to let it go.
Accepting he or she is not your person (at least not for right now).
If you’re fresh off a breakup, one of the things you’re most likely thinking is: How do I get them back?
As much as deep down we know that they aren’t right for us, it’s hard for us to imagine not being with this person in a romantic way. If you’re finding it extremely hard to accept that he or she won’t be in your life, or how they used to be, quiet your mind by telling yourself that he or she is not in my life in this form right now. We don’t know what the future holds, and if this person is highly beneficial for you and your path, they will come back in some shape or form.
People come into our lives at the exact right time. Whether they are a soul mate, a best friend, or a teacher, they come in to teach us what we need to be taught or to experience in order to grow. Some stay with us forever and others come in for a short, beautiful time until they are no longer part of our journey.
Why breakups, especially with a first love, can be so hard is because it’s extremely difficult for us to accept. When you’re with your first love, you picture a clear future of what your life will be like and over time that’s the only future you see happening. Why wouldn’t you? You’re in love, they’re in love, seems to all make sense.
Accept that they aren’t your person, and if they are, you will be with them again if they’re the right person for your continued growth.
Forgive + Let go.
Forgive this person for now showing up in the way you wanted them to.
Forgive them for being young (if they were young).
By forgiving them, you are letting yourself off the hook; you’re allowing yourself to let go.
This is one of my favourite forgiveness mediations (number 4).
If you’ve been unable to let go of someone because they feel like a soul-connection or soul contract, check out this video by my dear friend Vienda.
Create a new vision for the future.
What are your unique goals, dreams and passions?
I remember after my first real break up I was completely anxiety-ridden about the future. Everything I had thought of for my future was taken away. It wasn’t the breakup that rocked me as much as the fear of:
‘What the heck do I do now? What does my future look like? Yikes, I can’t even see one.’
When your future now feels unknown that’s scary stuff! Give yourself compassion. Going through a breakup and learning to create a new vision for yourself can be filled will all sorts of overwhelm.
The good news is, within the unknown, when nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Now that you have more space to create a new future, you can go for the dreams that feel right for you. Travel to the place that you’d love to go to, move to the new city that you’re free to move to, go on a date with that cutie at the coffee shop.