Meet Seljak Brand – The Closed Loop Blanket Co from Tasmania

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  One of the things we love most about connecting with like-minded people pursuing their dreams is that through one person’s (or in this case, two!) idea or business, positive change can happen. We sat down with Sam Seljak, co-founder of Seljak Brand. a sustainable brand making recycled wool blankets out of offcuts from mil in… Read more »

Rad Livin’: Meet Emily Somers Founder of Bravery Co.

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  You know when you see someone starting a brand and their passion shines through so much that you want to be a part of it? That’s how I felt when I found Bravery Co. on the ING Dreamstarter crowdfunding site. Emily Somers is a Melbourne native who took off on a remote year to travel the world… Read more »