Don’t Tell Summer was created to inspire you to do what you would love to do now, rather than wait for some point in the future.
It’s a declaration to live an authentic, rad life.
Whether that’s saying yes to going on an adventure that day, or to a dream that’s been sitting in your heart, it’s here as a reminder to do what you love, what completely excites you.
We started in a small college town in Orange County, California. Our Founder, Olivia, was going back and forth between Australia and the U.S and kept missing Summer, because of the opposite seasons.
While she missed one of her favorite seasons, she finally felt like she wasn’t waiting for anything; to be herself and to do what she would love to do. She had a newfound sense of confidence and freedom, and believed that we could live a life that we love now, rather than wait for some point in the future.
She launched DontTellSummer to share her story and the stories of other like-minded people following their dreams in hopes to inspire others to do the same.

The DTS community is about bringing people together to follow their dreams, while encouraging the person next to them to do the same; building not only a community of like-minded people, but a community of advocates for doing what you love.