One key thing to remember on your journey to ‘following your bliss all year round,’ is to clear out the fears and the cant’s. To our conscious minds this seems beyond unnatural. We’ve been carrying around these fears for the majority of our lives and the truth is, a lot of our fears are showing up in order to teach us that deep down we know the opposite to be true. If you tell yourself “I can’t do that” some part of you is conjuring up that fear because a part of you knows that not only can you do it, but you will flourish.
Before deciding to move to Australia, I was filled with fears, what ifs and cant’s… “I’m afraid to move away from my family and friends,” “What if I don’t find a job that I love?” and “How will I be able to do this on my own?”
In the midst of my fears surfacing, I felt the power within me rise. That power told me to look at my fears and realise that the truth was actually the complete opposite of what my fears projected. That fear of moving away from home was actually the part of me that knew that this was a journey and a catalyst for my personal growth. My fear of not finding a job that I love was actually my inner truth telling me that if I found my place in Australia I would never want to leave.
Our fears come up so that the legend inside of us can acknowledge it and trump it. The quicker you allow these fears to come up, the faster you will be able to show up for your life adventure and shine your light. I encourage you to take a deeper look at the fears that come up for you when making decisions, big and small. When light is shined onto your fear, it will give you a chance to recognise that the fear isn’t actually a fear at all, but an opportunity for growth. Start kicking those fears and you will feel more inner strength than you could have ever imagined to be within you. That strength has always been there, so let’s shine some light on it!